

儿童过敏性疾病(过敏性紫癜 过敏性咳嗽等) 免疫力差(体质弱 反复生病感染) 风湿免疫性疾病(儿童类风湿病 系统性红斑狼疮 变应性血管炎等)及儿童肾脏病 牛奶过敏 尘螨过敏

曾华松,男,广州市妇女儿童医疗中心,广州市儿童医院免疫性疾病科(过敏免疫风湿病科)主任,主任医师 教授,学科创始人及带头人,硕士研究生导师。 ☆1982-1987年武汉大学医学院(原湖北医学院,湖北医科大学)儿科医学系本科毕业; ☆1993-1996年武汉大学医学院(原湖北医学院,湖北医科大学)儿童肾脏病专业硕士研究生毕业; ☆2006-2009年华中科技大学同济医学院(原武汉医学院,同济医科大学)儿童临床免疫学博士毕业; ☆2001年2月-8月美国Rush- Presbyterian-St. Luke`s 医学院作为Postdoctoral Fellowship of MD研修免疫学; ☆2001年8月-2003年2月美国芝加哥大学医学院作为Postdoctoral Fellowship of MD研修免疫学; ☆1999年任广州市儿童医院肾脏病科副主任,副主任医师,硕士生导师; ☆2003年3月年任广州市儿童医院“非典”病区副主任,副主任医师,硕士生导师; ☆2003年6月年任广州市儿童医院过敏免疫风湿病科主任,主任医师,硕士生导师; ☆“预测小儿狼疮性肾炎预后的临床指标和病理评分标准”获2004年广东省科技进步奖及2003年广州市科技进步奖;获2007年广东省科技进步奖一项,2007年,2009年广州市科技进步奖三项(“肾病综合征血脂紊乱分子机制及临床干预的系列研究”获广东省及广州市科技进步奖,排名第一); ☆在美国参与美国立卫生研究院(NIH)等课题4项 在国内主要参与32项国家级及省市科研课题(课题负责人及指导者20项) ; ☆在国内外学术期刊上发表论文讲座及综述100余篇【第一作者或通讯作者80余篇 中华医学会系列杂志18篇 国际杂志18篇 Journal of Immunology(免疫学杂志),Journal of Rheumatology(风湿病杂志) J Clin Immunol.(临床免疫学杂志)等SCI影响因子3.280-8.195论著10篇】; ☆参编专业书籍5本: 曾华松 . 系统性红斑狼疮 《实用儿科临床指南》(广东科技出版社,第一版,2002,499-501“独著); 曾华松 . 泌尿系统疾病 《实用儿科临床指南》(广东科技出版社,第一版,2002,274-322 独著); 曾华松.小儿肾脏病研究.《医药新进展》(广东人民出版社,第一版,1999 263, 独著); 曾华松.《儿童风湿病学》(人民卫生出版社,第一版,2009)编委; 曾华松.《临床风湿病教程》(人民卫生出版社,第一版,2010)编委(主笔儿童风湿病); 曾华松.《风湿病家园》(岭南出版社,第一版,2011)编委; 现主要从事小儿过敏免疫风湿性疾病及小儿继发性肾脏病诊治及研究,在儿科免疫性疾病、肾脏病某些方面的研究属国内先进水平。有二十年余临床工作经验。2003年参与负责救治广州地区儿童非典患儿。 获荣誉称号: “全国抗非优秀共产党员”; “广东省优秀共产党员”; “广东省抗非一等功”; “广州市抗非模范”; 学术兼职: 国际儿童风湿病临床研究组织[Pediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation(PRINTO)]成员; 国际儿童免疫缺陷病协作组(International Pediatric PID Collaboration Group)成员; 中国儿童风湿病协作组副组长; 中华医学会儿科分会免疫学组委员; 中国医师协会风湿免疫分会委员; 广东省儿科学学会免疫学组副组长; 广州珠三角地区儿童过敏免疫协作组组长; 广东省风湿免疫学会常委; 广东省变态反应学会委员; 广东省医师协会风湿免疫工作委员会常委; Rheumatology(SCI影响因子4.2) 特邀编辑及审稿专家(Guest Editor Reviewer); The Journal of Open Access Rheumatology Research and Reviews审稿专家(Reviewer); World Journal of Pediatrics审稿专家(Reviewer); 《亚洲儿科病例报告》(汉斯出版社,Hans Publishers)编委; 《中华儿科杂志》审稿专家; 《中华生物医学工程杂志》审稿专家; 《中国实用儿科杂志》编委; 《国外医学儿科学分册》编委; 《临床儿科杂志》编委; 《中国当代儿科杂志》编委; 《广东医学杂志》审稿专家; 《中国中西医结合肾脏病杂志》编委; 广东省计划生育委员会病残儿童鉴定专家; 广东省预防接种不良反应鉴定专家,等。 国际过敏性疾病学会(WAO)会员; English Introdution of Huasong Zeng MD PhD Zeng Hua-Song M.D PhD a professor of Pediatric Allergy Immunology and Rheumology Director of Allergy Immunology and Rheumology Department Guangzhou Children’s Hospital and Guangzhou Medical College Children`s Hospital Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center PRC Postdoctoral Fellowship of University of Chicago(2001-2003) USA Academic position: Member of Pediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation(PRINTO) Member of International Collaboration Immunodeficiency Disease Group in Children Member of Asia-Pacific Region Rheumatoid Immune Society Vice Head of the Chinese Pediatric Rheumatology Collaborative Group Committee Member of Chinese Rheumatologist Association Committee Member of National Pediatric Immunology Group Chinese Medical Association Vice Head of the Pediatric Immunology Group Guangdong Medical Association Standing Committee Member of Guangdong Rheumatoid Immune Association Committee Member of Guangdong Allergic Diseases Association "Asia Pediatric Cases report"( Hans Publishers ) Editorial Board "The Journal of Open Access Rheumatology Research and Reviews" Reviewer "World Journal of Pediatrics" Reviewer "Chinese Journal of Pediatrics " the Expert Reviewer "Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics" Editorial Board "Foreign Medical Sciences division of pediatrics " Editorial Board "Journal of Clinical Pediatrics " Editorial Board "Chinese Contemporary Pediatrics Journal " Editorial Board "Guangdong Journal of Medicine" the Expert Reviewer "Chinese Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Journal of Nephrology" Editorial Board "Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering" the Expert Reviewer Expert of Identification to the Child Disability of Guangdong Provincial Family Planning Commission Expert of Identification to vaccination adverse reactions of Guangdong Provincial Commission The diseases which we treat are ranging from three broad categories: 1.Pediatric rheumatic diseases (the connective tissue diseases the autoimmune diseases); 2.Pediatric allergic diseases; 3.Immunodeficiency diseases in children.Including purpura and purpura nephritis systemic lupus erythematosus in children and lupus nephritis rheumatic diseases juvenile rheumatoid arthritis vasculitis syndrome (including Kawasaki disease) juvenile ankylosing spondylitis dermatomyositis scleroderma Behcet"s disease erythema multiforme refractory nettle drug rash food allergies allergic rhinitis asthma allergic cough the other allergic diseases the primary and secondary immunodeficiency disease. As a result of long-term investigation of children with fever we have the clinic procedure for long fever children cases which is accumulation of a certain clinical experience. There are about 1000 in-patients and 30000 out-patients receiced treatment per year in our department.The patients are not only from south China but also from other area of China and abroad.The Chinese traditional medicine combined advanced western medicine is our features.It is pretty effective for chronic pediatric immune diseases. CV of Huasong Zeng MD PhD Professor and Director of Pediatric Allergy Immunology and Rheumology Department Guangzhou Children’s Hospital Guangzhou Medical College Children’s Hospital Guangzhou Woman and Children’s Medical Center Guangzhou Medical College PRC Postdoctoral Fellowship of University of Chicago, USA(2001-2003) Address:318 Renminzhong Road Guangzhou Guangdong China Postcode:510120 E-mail:huasongz@gmail.com huasongz@yahoo.com Website:http://zenghs.haodf.com Degree and Postdoctoral Training: M D and Master Degree from Medical College of Wuhan University(Hubei Medical University) PRC PHD Training from Tonji Medical College of Huazhong Science and Technology University PRC Postdoctoral Fellow from University of Chicago Medical Center Chicago and Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center Chicago USA Education 1982.7---1987.7: Pediatrics Medical College of Wuhan University Wuhan Hubei PRC 1993.7---1996.7: Pediatric Nephrology Graduate student for Master Degree Medical College of Wuhan University Wuhan Hubei PRC 2001.2-2001.8: Postdoctoral Fellow Immunology Section Organ Transplantation Department Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center Chicago USA 2001.8-2003.3: Postdoctoral Fellow Immunology Section Organ Transplantation Department University of Chicago Medical Center Chicago USA 2006 9- 2009 7: PhD training Pediatric Clinical Immunology Tongji Medical College Huazhong Science and Technology University Wuhan PRC Profession experience 1987.8---1993.6: Resident Physician Department of Pediatrics Yichang Central Hospital and Teaching Hospital of China Three Gorges University PRC 1996.8---1997.11: Attending Physician Department of Pediatrics Yichang Central Hospital and Teaching Hospital of China Three Gorges University PRC 1997.12---1999.11: Attending Physician Department of Nephrology(Including the Cases of Rheumatology) Guangzhou Children’s Hospital and the Affiliated Children’s Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College PRC 1999.12---2001.1: Associate Professor Academic Adviser of Graduate Students Vice Director of Department Deputy Chief Physician Department of Nephrology(Including Cases of Rheumatology) Guangzhou Children’s Hospital and the Affiliated Children's Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College PRC (Young Excellent Specialist appointed by the Health Bureau of Guangzhou Government began from 2000) PRC 2001.2-2001.8: Postdoctoral Fellow Immunology Section Organ Transplantation Department Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center Chicago USA 2001.8-2003.3: Postdoctoral Fellow Immunology Section Organ Transplantation Department University of Chicago Medical Center Chicago USA 2003 3-2003 6: Associate Professor Academic Adviser of Graduate Students Vice Director Deputy Chief Physician Temporary Department of SARS Guangzhou Children’s Hospital and the Affiliated Children’s Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College PRC 2003 6-2004 12 Associate Professor Director Associate Chief Physician Academic Adviser of Graduate Students Department of Allergy Immunology and Rheumology Guangzhou Children’s Hospital and the Affiliated Children’s Hospital Guangzhou Medical College PRC 2004 5- 20011 5 Director of Postgraduate Office and Associate Director of Science Research and Education Department Guangzhou Children’s Hospital and the Affiliated Children’s Hospital Guangzhou Medical College PRC 2004 12- Professor Director Chief Physician Academic Adviser of Graduate Students Department of Allergy Immunology and Rheumology Guangzhou Children’s Hospital and the Affiliated Children’s Hospital Guangzhou Woman and Children’s Medical Center Guangzhou Medical College PRC Academic membership and editor of journal Member of Pediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation(PRINTO) Member of International Collaboration Immunodeficiency Disease Group in Children Member of Asia-Pacific Region Rheumatoid Immune Society Vice Head of the Chinese Pediatric Rheumatology Collaborative Group Committee Member of Chinese Rheumatologist Association Committee Member of National Pediatric Immunology Group Chinese Medical Association Deputy Head of the Pediatric Immunology Group Guangdong Medical Association Standing Committee Member of Guangdong Rheumatoid Immune Association Committee Member of Guangdong Allergic Diseases Association "Asia Pediatric Cases Report"( Hans Publishers ) Editorial Board "The Journal of Open Access Rheumatology Research and Reviews" Reviewer "World Journal of Pediatrics" Reviewer "Chinese Journal of Pediatrics " the Expert Reviewer "Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics" Editorial Board "Foreign Medical Sciences division of pediatrics " Editorial Board "Journal of Clinical Pediatrics " Editorial Board "Chinese Contemporary Pediatrics Journal " Editorial Board "Guangdong Journal of Medicine" the Expert Reviewer "Chinese Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Journal of Nephrology" Editorial Board "Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering" the Expert Reviewer Expert of Identification to the Child Disability of Guangdong Provincial Family Planning Commission Expert of Identification to vaccination adverse reactions of Guangdong Provincial Commission Research experience 1991.1---1992.1: Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory halftime Yichang Central Hospital and Yichang Teaching Hospital of China Three Gorges University PRC 1993.7---1996.7: Master Degree Trainning The Pediatric Research Institute and the Virus Research Institute of Medical College of Wuhan University PRC full time 1997.12---2000.1: The Central Laboratory halftime Guangzhou Children’s Hospital and the Affiliated Children’s Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College PRC 2001.2----2001 8: Postdoctoral Fellow Transplantation Section Rush Presbyterian St. Luke`s Medical Center Chicago USA full time 2001.8----2003.3: Postdoctoral Fellow Immunology Section Organ Transplantation Department University of Chicago Medical Center Chicago USA 2006 7----2009 7: PHD training halftime Pediatric Immunology Tongji Medical College Huazhong Science and Technology University PRC Research Grants and Honor 1999: The random double-blind test in treatment of lipid-reduced drugs in the cases with nephrotic syndrome(Grant No. 13199150 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangdong Province Government PRC Principal investigator) 2000: The study of XbaI polymorphism of apolipoprotein B gene in the cases with nephrotic syndrome(Grant No. A2000576 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangdong Province Government PRC Principal investigator) 2000: The study of the polymorphism of ACE gene in the cases with nephrotic syndrome(Grant No. A2000582 Funded by Science andTechnology of Health Research Grants of Guangdong Province Government PRC Co-Applicant) 2000: The relationship between the cytokines and the renal damage in the cases with systematic inflammatory Response syndrome(Grant No.A2000576 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangdong Province Government PRC Co-Applicant) 2000: The clinical application of the treatment to the cases poisoned by rat-poison drug with emoperfusion.(Grant No. 2000-Z-107-05 Funded by Science and Technology Commission Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Co-Applicant ) 2000: The modulation of RNA express of IL-8 by Nk-B and interference of Chinese herb Huangqi in the cases with nephrotic syndrome. (Grant No. 2KM04704S Funded by Science and Technology Commission Research Grants of Guangdong Province Government PRC Co-Applicant) 2001: Immune regulation of xenograft-elicited anti-a1 3Gal respnses[Grant No. AI-43631 Fanded by American National Institute of Health(NIH) USA Participant] 2001:Antiviral activity of the immunosuppressant Leflunomide[Fanded by Fujisawa Participant] 2001:Graft rejection and accommodation by anti-Gal mAbs[Grant No. AI-34061 Fanded by American National Institutes of Health(NIH) USA Participant] 2003:B cell tolerance follwing allograft transplantation[Grant No.Ai-43631 Fanded by American National Institutes of Health(NIH) USA Participant] 2003:The treatment for the pediatric cases with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome by blood purification (Key Project Grant No. 2003-Zdi-08 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Co-Applicant) 2003:Basic and clinical research in pediatric MODS: The CD16+56 + express in children with SIRS / MODS (Key Project Grant No. 2003B30503 Funded by Science and Technology Commission Research Grants of Guangdong Government PRC Principal investigator) 2004:The establish of the quality monitoring system for postgraduate education in the affiliated hospitals of medical college[Teaching Grant Grant No. (2004)22 Funded by the Teaching Grant Commission of Guangzhou Medical College PRC Principal investigator] 2004: Anti SARS IgG and IgM and following in children with fever. (Grant No.Funded by Science and Technology Commission Research Grants of National Ministry of Personnel PRC Principal investigator) 2004: The Clinical and Basis Research in Children with Sepsis/MODS. (Key Project Grant No. 2003Z2-E0181 Funded by Science and Technology Commission Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Co-Applicant ) 2005: The Inflammmory Gene Polymorphisms in Children with Sepsis/MODS. (Key Project Grant No.2005-Zdi-08 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Principal investigator) 2005: The Change of Immune Function of Premature Infant. (Ket Project Grant No.2005-Z1-E0104 Funded by Science and Technology Commission Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Principal investigator) 2006: The TNF Gene Polymorphisms in Children with JIA. (Grant No.Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Principal investigator's advisor) 2006: The VEGF Gene Polymorphisms in Children with Kawasaki Disease. (Grant No.2006-YB-071 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC and Grant No.[2006]122 Funded by Science and Technology Commission Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government Principal investigator's advisor) 2006:The IL-6 - 174G / C gene promoter polymorphism in the cases with juvenile idiopathic arthritis(Grant No.2006-YB-218 [2006]21 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Principal investigator's advisor) 2007: The relationship between the level of blood IFN - γ and tuberculosis susceptibility in the treatment of the children with autoimmune disease by immunotherapy.(Grant No. 2007-YB-219 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Principal investigator’s advisor) 2007:T cell receptor BV2 BV8 gene lineage analysis in the cases with Kawasaki Disease.(Grant No. 2007-YB-067 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC One of Principal investigator's advisor) 2007.The relationship between degree of critical condation of pediatric diseases and the adrenocortical function the internal environment of body.(Grant No. 2007-YB-066 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Participant) 2007.The myocardial protection and the effect of NF-kB activity by NAC during the perioperative period in children with with congenital heart disease.(Grant No. 73100 Funded by Science and Technology Commission Research Grants of Guangdong Government PRC Participant) 2008:The autoimmune antigen identification cloning expression and application in the cases with juvenile idiopathic arthritis[Grant No.2008(9) 14 Funded by Guangzhou Woman and Children Medical Center Participant] 2008:The genotyping and risk factors study of type A rotavirus nosocomial infection.(Grant No. 2008-YB-060 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Participant) 2008:Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the treatment of the cases with primary immunodeficiency diseases.(Grant No. 2008-YB-085 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Participant) 2009 :The experimental study of anti CMV activition by new type immunosuppressant Lef after bone marrow transplantation .(Grant No.9151026003000004 Fund by Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province PI) 2009:The autoimmune antigen identification cloning expression and application in the cases with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.(Grant No. 2009539 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangdong Government PRC Participant) 2009:The water channel protein disaccharidases and peptide enzyme research in children with inflammatory bowel diseases.(Key Project Grant No. 2008-Zdi-18 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Participant) 2009:Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the treatment of the cases with primary immunodeficiency diseases.(Grant No. A2009557 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangdong Government PRC Participant) 2010:The mechanism research of human neuroepithelioma cell lesion induced by Enterovirus type 71.(Grant No.10151012001000006 Fund by Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province Participant) 2011:The common single gene disorders: clinical and experimental series research.(Grant No.2010-J-E-231-1 Funded by Science and Technology Commission Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Participant) 2011:The screening and its clinical application of new biological markers in children with autoimmune liver diseases.(Key Project Grant No. 201102A212023 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Participant) 2011:The identification of differential serum expressed proteins in the cases with So-JIA complicated with macrophage activation syndrome(MAS).(Grant No. 201102A213035 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC Participant) 2011:The soluble receptor CD163 change and early differential diagnosis significance in the cases with refractory juvenile idiopathic arthritis.(Grant No. 201102A213004 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC PI's Advisor) 2011:The CD14 and PAI-1 gene polymorphism in the children with dust mite allergy.(Grant No. 201102A213016 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC PI's Advisor) 2012:The efficacy safety and the expression of tumor necrosis factor in the cases with juvenile idiopathic arthritis treated by Infliximab as targeted therapy.(Grant No. 20121A01107 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC PI's Advisor) 2012:The molecular immune mechanisms of HSP in the children's cases(Grant No.Fund by City Government PI) 2012:The molecular immune regulation mechanisms of HFD in the children's cases.(Grant No. 20121A011055 Funded by Science and Technology of Health Research Grants of Guangzhou City Government PRC PI's Advisor) Publications 1.Huasong Zeng et al.Kartagener syndrome.Chinese Journal of Medical Genetic.1992 9(4)223 2.Huasong Zeng et al. Enteropathic acrodermatitis:6cases report. Eugenics and Heredity. 1992 (4): 107 3.Huasong Zeng et al.Glycogen storge diseases: a family investigation .Chinese Journal of Eugenics and Heredity. 1993 (1): 91 4.Huasong Zeng. The effect of vitamin E to early renal damage reduced by gentamycin. The Journal of Wuhan Medicine. 1994 18(2): 21 5.Huasong Zeng et al. Gycogen storge diseases:3 cases report. The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics. 1994 12(2):314 6. Huasong Zeng et al . The early changes of serum Tamm-Horsfall protein in gentamycin-reduced renal damage patients. Journal of New Medicine.1995 5(4): 163 7. Huasong Zeng et al.The changes of urine Tamm-Horsfall protein in cases with drug-reduced renal damage. Journal of New Medicine. 1996 6(4): 150 8. Huasong Zeng et al . Advances of lipoprotein disorder in renal diseases.Journal of New Medicine .1996 6(3): 141 9. Huasong Zeng et al .The changes of Urine Tamm-Horsfall protein in children with renal diseases: 83 cases report. The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics.1997 15(2): 73 10. Wu Suqun Huang Xinyuan Huasong Zeng et al. Changes and clinical significance of circulating endothelial cells in children with congestive heart failure. Chinese Journal of Pediatrics 1997 35(3): 146 11.Huasong Zeng et al. The molecular mechanism of lipoprotein disorder in patients with renal diseases. Clinical Focus 1997 12(12): 530 12. Yang Linli Yu Baichuang Huasong Zeng.Erupt anaphylactic purpura:2 cases report.Chinese Journal of Applied Pediatrics 1997 35(3):146 13. Huasong Zeng et al. The molecular mechanism of lipoprotein disorder in renal diseases. Foreign Medical Science(Pediatrics) 1997 Supll:73 14. Huasong Zeng et al. Apolipoprotein E polymorphism and lipoprotein glomerulopathy. Foreign Medical Science(Urology) 1997 Supll:95 15. Huasong Zeng et al.Determination of apolipoprotein E polymorphism in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome by PCR-SSCP. Journal of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association 1998 12(5)C23 and Chinese Journal of Nephrology 1998 14(1):182 16.Wu Suqun Mei Genrong Huasong Zeng et al.The relationship between apolipoprotein B gene XbaI polymorphism and the simple obesity in children. Chinese Journal of Pediatrics 1998 36(9):558 17.Huasong Zeng et al.Apolipoprotein E polymorphism and lipoprotein nephropathy. Chinese Journal of Nephrology. 1998 14(1): 60 18.Huasong Zeng et al.Oxalate nephrology : The new concept of the metabolic renal diseases. Chinese Journal of Nephrology. 1998 14(6): 193 19.Huasong Zeng et al.The effect of apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism to the levels of Chinese health children. Chinese Journal of Children’s Health.1998 6(2): 83 20.Huasong Zeng et al.The relationship between abnormalities of lipoproteins and disorder of protein metabolism in children with idiopathic nephritic syndrome.Chinese Journal of Nephrology. 1998 14(2): 100 21.Huasong Zeng et al.Abnormalities of serum lipids lipoproteins and apolipoproteins in children with idiopathic nephritic syndrome. Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics. 1998 13(2): 92 22.Huasong Zeng et al.Oxalate nephrology in children. Foreign Medical Sciences(Pediatrics) 1998 25(6): 294 23. Gao Yan Huasong Zeng . Features of lupus nephritis in children:93 cases compared with adult cases.Mong Liang ed.Advances in Integrated Chinese Traditional and West Medicine on Nephrology 1rd.Beijing Guangboxueyuan Press 1998 263 24. Huasong Zeng et al.Apolipoproten(a) polymorphism in cases with end-stage renal diseases. Foreign Medical Sciences (ClinicalBiochemistry)1999 20(1): 11 25. Gao Yan Li Yinjie Huasong Zeng et al. Treatment of the cases with poison by emoperfusion.Guangdong Medical Journal 1999 5:12 26.Huasong Zeng et al. Advances in oxlate nephrology. The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics. 1999 17(2): 118 27. Huasong Zeng .Advances in Pediatric Nephrology.In Guolian Yu ed.Advances in Medicine 1rd.Guangdong Science and Technique Press 1999 263 28.Huasong Zeng et al.The hyperlipidemia and apolipoprotein E polymorphism in children with no-minimal change glomerulopathy of primary idiopathic nephrotic syndrome .Chinese Journal of the Integrated Traditional and Western Nephrology.2000 1(1):25 29. Huasong Zeng et al.The relationship between the molecular types of urine protein tubuloininterstitial insult and the therapeutical effects of steroids in children with INS. The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics.2000 18(1): 15 30.Gao Yan Huasong Zeng. Treatment of lupus nephritis. The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics. 2000 18(2): 15 31.Huasong Zeng et al. The apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism in children with steroid-resistant idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. Chinese Journal of Medical Genetic.2001 18(4):289 32.Huasong Zeng et al.The renal pathology and lipid disorders relationship in children with nephrotic syndrome.The Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics. 2001,3(2) :151—153 33.Sun Caozhen Zeng Huasong Tan Anping. The renal tube function in children with Glomerular diseases . Contemporary Chinese Journal of Pediatrics 2001 3 (3) 319-320 34.Gao Yan Li Yingjie Zeng Hua-song et al. The pathology and prognosis in children with diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis .The Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2001 16 (3): 173-174. 35.Gao Yan Zeng Huasong. the value of renal pathology in the judgement of prognosis in children with lupus nephritis. The Journal of Chinese traditional Combined Western Nephrology. 2000 1 (4): 209-211. 36.Huasong Zeng Anncy Varghese Deping Yin et al.Sib-selection to define the effects of affinity and subclass on the subclass on the activities anti-Gal IgG mAbs.American Journal of Transplantation 2002 Vol(2) Supll3:342 37.Dengping Yin Lianli Ma Huasong Zeng et al.Allograft tolerance induced by intact active bone and anti CD40L mAb therapy.Tranplantation 2002;74:345-354 38.Dengping Yin Jikun Shen Lianli Ma Huasong Zeng et al.Xenograft rejection and accommodation can be induced by a single anti-Gal IgG1 mAbs.American Journal of Transplantation 2002 Vol(2): Supll3:386 39. Dengping Yin Lianli Ma Howard N Sankary Jikun Shen Huasong Zeng et al.Role of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the rejection of concordant xenografts.Transplantation 2002 Vol(74): 1236-1241(SCI Impact Factor 3.591) 40.Yin D Ma L Zeng H Shen J et al. Allograft tolerance induced by intact active bone co-transplantation and anti-CD40L monoclonal antibody therapy. Transplantation. 2002 Aug 15;74(3):345-54.( SCI Impact Factor 3.972) 41.W. James Waldman Huasong Zeng De borah A Knight et al.Conlunomide in vivo.current antiviral and immunosuppressive activitives of lef lunomide in vivo.American Journal of Transplantation 2003,Supll 102 42. Huasong Zeng Dengping Yin Jikun Shen et al.Sib-selection to define the effects of IgG subclass on the activities anti-Gal monoclonal antibodies.American Journal of Transplantation 2003,Supll 118 43. Jikun Shen Dengping Yin Huasong Zeng et al.very acute rejection(VAR):A novel form of xenograft rejection mediated by anti –Gal IgG1 monoclonal antibodies.American Journal of Transplantation 2003,Supll 378 44.Anti S. 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