
主治医师  生殖整形科

20余年专门研究男性常见生殖系手术问题,尤其专注于男性包皮包茎,阴茎短小延长增粗及精索静脉曲张等高难度的微创手术。对男科生殖整形各种手术有精湛的技术。善于从哲学层面分析解决问题。凭借多年精细雕琢的手法及卓越的审美观赢得广大男性患者的喜爱。对男性生殖系手术研究深入,定期主持生殖整形会议,多次应邀参加全国男科生殖整形学术研讨。 从医感言:作为一名医务工作者,我不为争那高高在上的“白衣天使”荣誉,我只为我的病人解决疾患之苦,帮助他们实现“为人夫为人父”的梦想!More than 20 years of study of male common genital surgery, especially in the male prepuce phimosis, short penis Yan Changzeng and varicocele and other difficult minimally invasive surgery. There are excellent techniques for all kinds of operations in male reproductive surgery. We are good at analyzing and solving problems from the philosophical level. With many years of meticulous carving techniques and excellent aesthetic standards, it has won the love of the majority of male patients. Research on male reproductive system has been carried out in depth, and regular reproductive plastic surgery meetings have been held. As a medical worker, I am not for the honor of the "white coat angel" on the top. I only solve the suffering of my patients and help them to realize the dream of "being the father of the man"!
上海九龙医院  生殖整形科