9.7 接诊量:147
擅长:1 、中西医结合治疗腰间盘突出,腰腿疼痛,坐骨神经痛,颈椎病,偏头痛,眩晕,耳鸣,失眠,胸闷气短,胸背疼痛,腕关节,肘关节疼痛,肩周炎颈肩痛,肋软骨炎,胸廓出口综合征,各种关节炎,腱鞘炎,滑膜炎,筋膜炎,跟痛症,网球肘,腕管综合症,扳机指等。 1. Treatment of lumbar disc herniation, lumbocrural pain, sciatica, cervical spondylosis, migraine, vertigo, tinnitus, insomnia, chest tightness and shortness of breath, chest and back pain, wrist joint, elbow joint pain, scapulohumeral periarthritis, costochondritis, thoracic outlet syndrome, various arthritis, tenosynovitis, fascitis, heel pain, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger And so on. 2、带状疱疹神经痛,三叉神经痛,骶尾部神经痛,产后腰骶部疼痛、痛经,交感神经功能紊乱、痛经、月经不调、颈源性耳鸣、脑脑供血不全、颈源性眩晕等。 2. Herpes zoster neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, sacrococcygeal neuralgia, lumbosacral pain and dysmenorrhea after childbirth, sympathetic nerve dysfunction, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, cervical tinnitus, cerebral blood supply insufficiency, cervical vertigo, etc. 3、无创国医正骨结合国际脊柱康富技术,治疗脊柱弯曲畸形矫正,骨盆旋移症,长短腿,高低肩,运动指导,创伤后康复指导,康复训练指导以及效果评价。 3. The non-invasive national medical orthopedics combined with the international spinal rehabilitation technology to treat spinal curvature and deformity correction, pelvic rotation, long and short legs, high and low shoulders, exercise guidance, post-traumatic rehabilitation guidance, rehabilitation training guidance and effect evaluation. 4、微创介入治疗甲状腺囊肿,痔疮,便血。 4. Minimally invasive interventional therapy for thyroid cyst, hemorrhoid and hematochezia. 5、中医埋线针灸:减肥,脂肪瘤,黄褐斑,扁平疣,乳腺增生,鞘膜积液,各种囊肿。脉管炎,大隐静脉曲张。粉刺,痤疮,青春痘,牛皮癣。平衡疗法治疗运送损伤及康复技术。 5. Acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine: weight loss, lipoma, chloasma, verruca plana, hyperplasia of breast, hydrocele of tunica vaginalis, various cysts. Vasculitis, varicose great saphenous vein. Acne, acne, acne, psoriasis. Balance therapy for transportation injury and rehabilitation technology. 6、无激素阵痛治疗技术。6. Treatment technology of hormone free pain. 7、超声引导下精准治疗技术等。 7. Ultrasound guided precision treatment technology, etc.